December, 2004 Report
It has been another relatively quiet month on the Preserve, with the exception that someone threw stones at our gate sign (while guests were visiting the Preserve). There is a hole in it but it is still legible. At some point it should be replaced.
The pregnancy tests are back and NO mares are pregnant at this time. Dr. Mautino should be down in January or February and perhaps we can find out what is needed to promote pregnancy. Since the horses have only just reached or have nearly reached ideal weight, it may be good that they are not undergoing yet more stress immediately.
Stallion Sirius appeared a bit thin and was put outside the Preserve for two weeks to regain weight. By the end of the month he was returned to the Preserve. We are considering putting Mimosa back into the Preserve as he was the dominant stallion before the move and is a known sire. Sirius would be placed outside when this occurs.
We still have been unable to get the use of a bulldozer. The two maintenance/security men will start cutting the trail for the stallion area in January. When we finally get the equipment the trail will be enlarged to be a fire break and access road.
The mares look good. We have stopped the grain and will be closely observing their appearance. We will rope in temporary areas to give them access to more grazing if needed. |