September 2006 Report
September was a fairly quiet month at the Preserve, although there were some problems with dove hunters. We have tried to spread the word that with the presence of children on the farm it is not an appropriate place to hunt. We remain concerned as days grow cooler and pig hunting will start.
Since the Preserve is adjacent to the former citrus farm it's inhabitants will be at risk from stray shots and hunting dogs.
The mares look very good, and we grow more hopeful that their expanding girths are more than good forage. We are working to get some samples sent out for testing, it is taking rather longer than we had hoped, new regulations on sending samples to the US seem to be slowing the process.
Apparently one of the outside stallions was seen several weeks ago, Capella, and he was said to be in good condition.
We will shortly have a good communication system on line, and we are working on a major upgrade to our power generation system.
The tractor is awaiting a small part and will soon be back in operation. We're trying to locate a bush hog and a small plow attachment that can be used to clear the old logging roads for fire protection and ease of travel around the Preserve.
Here's a photo of Mimosa pulling some tasty vines.