December 2006 Report
Dear Friends,
Happy New year to Everyone! We had hoped to get this out sooner but Internet access problems intervened.
December was a slow month on the Preserve, however Both Hadar and Capella finally were seen on the farm again. It is hoped that Achernar will join them soon. The separate area for the stallions is way behind schedule, the tractor has a problem with ignition and both weed whackers are down. The holidays slowed work on all pending repairs.
Nunki showed a bloody nose one morning but a close up photograph showed that it was a surface wound just inside the nostril. She may have hit a twig when she bent her head to graze. No blood was seen in the nasal passage itself. By the next day it was healed.
Permission was obtained to remove a number useful items from a demolition site in Treasure Cay. Several sets of sliding glass doors, four bath tubs and a nice wooden staircase were brought to the Preserve. One tub will be placed in the paddock area, two others will provide places for the dogs to keep cool in the summer.
A 16 year old Toyota pick up truck was purchased with personal funds. It's been kept busy hauling materials and people.
On cooler days the horses have been seen all over the Preserve area and one morning they ran down the main logging road prancing and bucking in high spirits. Their coats are gleaming, there still are no signs of any mating activity which makes four months now.
As more cruising boats come back to Abaco activity at our used book shop "A Buck a Book" is picking up. We have several volunteers and more people have expressed interest in helping out. Our DVD collection is growing, more are needed.
A reminder, the February Edition of Horse Illustrated magazine will be featuring an article on our horses. An article and photos in Abaco Life have generated a lot of interest in the project.
As repairs are made and the general pace picks up we are looking forward to a good New Year and hope that a number of ongoing problems will be solved.
With best wishes for a very Happy New Year.
A recent photo of Stallion Mimosa