Stallion Capella Disappears for Three Weeks,
Reappears With Many Unusual Wounds
Our handomse pinto stallion Capella scared everyone when he disappeared for three weeks in May. He is always in close proximity to his friend the stallion Achernar, and both tend to follow Mimosa's herd. They are always scarred from fighting, but since Mimosa is about the biggest of all the stallions, the outcomes of the fights are inevitable. Damage to Achernar and Capella. We were only able to assume that Capella sustained serious injuries and went off by himself to heal.
When he fianlly did reappear, it was apparent that he'd been in more than a fight. His wounds, shown in the accompanying photos, indicate that he was bitten, and while running to get a way ran full tilt into some piece of equipment. The front of his neck, knees and fetlocks all showed deep, healing scars. Apparently after the impact he swered to the right because his left hip, thigh and fetlock were also severly abraded. We are grateful that we did not see it happen because he must have been a terrible sight.
He is healing well, however, and we are looking forward to the day when the stallions and mares will be separated and the stallions will no longer be trying to kill each other. |