February 2009 Report

On February 10, the fire in the back section of the farm was still burning and five fires were seen on the farm, there may have been more. Most of the month was spent repairing and replacing fence and working on the water wagon. A mid March delivery of supplies is awaited to finish the water wagon which will enable us to carry water and a strong pump right to fire fronts.

A 100 gallon tank was donated to the Preserve, it took several hours to remove the thick insulation of foam that surrounded it. It was scraped and painted black and will be used to heat water for showers, laundry and dishes.

The horses have begun to shed their coats. All were wooly this year, and we did have cooler weather though it wasn’t nearly as cool as the winters when the project began in 1992. We are looking forward to a very busy March.


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